Over the summer of 2023, seventh and eighth grade history teacher Adam Hogg became a dual U.S and Canadian citizen. Adam Hogg is originally from Canada and played professional hockey.
According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Application for Naturalization must be completed. His students from the previous year helped him study for the U.S citizenship test. Before taking the test to become a citizen, you have to fill out the application.
“There was a lot of paperwork,” Hogg said.
After he found out he passed the test, the Hogg family went out for dinner to celebrate.
There are many reasons Hogg decided to become a U.S citizen. One is that he teaches seventh grade U.S history and can teach his students what he learned to prepare for the test. He also married an American.
When Mr. Hogg was not a U.S. citizen, he could not vote. He has voted in Canada before.
Hogg can also now vote. However, he still has to get his passport.
“It’s a long process,” Hogg said.
“I helped him study by asking him basic questions about America and Mr. Hogg would answer them” Major Factor ‘28 said.
“I did not really help him study, I just supported and encouraged because it is a really hard test” Ronan Acuna Guba ‘28 said.