“Everyone in our community plays an important role in saving the lives of patients in need of blood transfusions.” Carter Blood Care
The Upper School is having its annual blood drive on February 14 and 15 in the Patton Field House. The entire FWCD community is encouraged to donate blood because of the blood shortage. Students will receive two hours of community service and people who donate on Wednesday can get a sweatshirt or on Thursday a $40 gift card.
Donators need to be 16 years old, at least 110 pounds, and healthy on the day of donating. If underage, students should get a signed parental consent form. Donators are also encouraged to eat iron-rich foods leading up to the day of donating. Dark greens, red meats, eggs, and tofu all have plenty of iron.
“I have never given blood, but I am excited too because I know it will help people,” Carolina Zamorano ’25 said.
The American Red Cross is having a massive blood shortage. The U.S. currently has the least amount of people giving blood in 20 years. The lack of blood causes medical procedures to be delayed and is hurting lives.
“I am looking forward to the snacks and knowing what my blood type is,” Rhea Alexander ’24 said.
It will benefit many to donate blood, so people who are eligible and willing should sign up immediately.
Sign up to donate:
Sign up to volunteer: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScNXKBgtMKxCgY2X3zS1I5ObrgV-rhTlodgvgfdRVGQ65-2DQ/viewform?usp=sf_link