How FWCD Is Responding to COVID-19

An informative link on the FWCD Portal.

Olivia Neve, Advertising Manager

During this time of chaos brought on by the Coronavirus, the FWCD community has found itself questioning the way to move forward, including checking on the wellbeing of students and faculty, the most practical way to move forward academically, and keeping the FWCD community well informed of what’s to come in this ever-changing, pandemic-influenced, environment. 

FWCD has continued to keep the community up to date by sending out emails, as well as utilizing their social media platforms. The FWCD administration has been very diligent about posting updates consistently, even though it is hard because no one has a clear understanding of the nation’s current state.

The past emails that have been sent out have mainly been informative of the timeline of which we are on. It was clearly stated that FWCD would be strictly following the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) guideline and that of the Governor, regarding schools and childcare. Ultimately, it was the state government that would determine our School’s decision regarding closure.

UPDATE: On April 17, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that all schools throughout the state of Texas, including public and private schools, and all institutes of higher education, would remain closed through the end of the 2020-21 school year. 

“I think that the school’s consistent emails have been beneficial to my family and me because it ensures us of what is going on,” Mac Toomey ‘22 said. 

These current news updates have had students feeling very sad and depressed. Of the many students interviewed, almost all have mentioned their overwhelming state of boredom and desire to return to school.

“I do not like online school because I want to see my friends and not look at my computer all day,” Macie Mallick ‘22 said. 

Although this is a sad time for all, some students are motivated by the devastating news to partake in newfound interests. 

“After hearing the news of the closure, I am feeling depressed, but I may start a rainbow loom business. Stay tuned,” Katie Bynum ‘20 said.

This is a sad time for many of us, but we can all appreciate the communicative efforts that FWCD is making and be inspired by people like Bynum to take up a diversion from what has now become our new normal.

You can find all recent updates by visiting