When Will the Sky Be Clear Again?
April 6, 2020
As I write this, today is the first day of spring. I look outside and the sun is finally shining after weeks of it being gray and cold, yet there’s no one on my neighborhood streets. There are no kids in the parks, few cars on the highway, and many people with masks at the local Wal-Mart.
All because of the coronavirus.
Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to spend more time relaxing and doing activities I actually enjoy like running and learning German on Duolingo, but there’s only so much of the indoors to enjoy. I want to go down the highway and meet my friends at Sonic and spend our afternoon there, but I no longer can, bound by the rules of my parents’ quarantine and wanting to do my part in mitigating coronavirus infections.
It even gets boring just seeing the news being dominated by two things: COVID-19 and the elections. But what makes this whole experience sting the most is that I won’t have the typical senior year that my classmates and I have been waiting our entire high school career to have.
At first, I was sad because I might be missing my last prom, the day where we decorate our jumpers for the colleges and universities we’ll be attending in the fall, or the actual graduation, but I realized how much I would miss the little things even more. I miss catching up with friends between classes around the senior bench, practicing pieces for the ballet recital, grabbing lunch at Pak-a-Pocket, feeling so excited to see the showcases at ISAS, seeing the underclassmen around me mature as they move through the Upper School, and even just walking around campus and getting to see all my classmates.
It’s the little details that have made not just my senior year, but my time in high school that much more memorable.
I understand I may not have it as tough as others suffering from the virus or watching their families destroyed by the virus, but I wanted to share my voice because this crisis has affected everyone in a myriad of ways. This is just one perspective out of the thousands of others, but I hope everyone can learn we are all suffering in different ways and need to support one another as much as we can, just from a safe distance.
Now that I’m closing this, the sky is getting gray again, but I’m not despondent anymore. We may not be able to experience the joys of spring or summer, but, hopefully, modern society will come out stronger, better prepared to handle epidemics or crises of a similar scale, and more resilient than it ever has before. I believe that, because of the perseverance of the human race, that when fall rolls around, everyone will once again embrace their friends and family warmly.