Feeder Fan Reviews

Miss Vickie’s Chips, Sourpatch Kids in Coffee, Pickles and PopRocks all make a star appearance

Sebastian Salazar, Jake Lauderdale, Julia Clinkscale, Robert Lydick, Caroline Homan, Coleman Hanson, and Caroline King

Coleman Hanson ’22

Sebastian Salazar ’22 and Jake Lauderdale ’23 try out some crazy combinations from the Feeder, based on student feedback.

Sebastian Salazar, Video Reporter

The Feeder is back. After a very hard year, we’re ready to try the best snacks the Falcon Feeder has to offer. Sebastian Salazar ’22 and Jake Lauderdale ’23 try the students’ favorite orders and rate them out of 10. Watch them on their journey, interviewing the students 0f Country Day and making their way to the Feeder.