Disc Golf: It’s Golf, but With A Disc, Kind of
This is one of the holes at Z Boaz Disc Golf Course.
October 21, 2021
Disc golf is taking the world by storm. Not really; however, some people may believe the disc looks like the world.
Disc golf is, in simple terms, golf but with a disc. More specifically, the sport consists of throwing a disc typically 250 feet to over 400 feet into a basket with metal chains that catch the disc. The course is normally about 18 holes, just like normal golf; however, it can vary from course to course. Disc golf also has a tee box, typically made of concrete or dirt, from which the disc is thrown, and disc golf is also scored the same way as regular golf. Now, as for strategy, I don’t know a whole lot, but from what I can tell it’s better to throw a shorter distance and not risk your accuracy versus trying to throw as far as you can and potentially hitting a person and getting sued. At the time of writing this, I have played disc golf three times: once right outside of the Purdue campus in West Lafayette, Indiana; once at Z Boaz Park in Benbrook, Texas; and once on the TCU campus in Fort Worth, Texas. The three times I have played, I have had a fun time. It was a great way to get outside, walk around, and, at least for me, perfect my farmer’s tan (picture provided, but view at your own risk).

Now, when I was playing disc golf at Z Boaz Park, which is rated at a very high score of 4.4 out of 5 on UDisc (one of the more popular apps to keep track of disc golf scores, find disc golf courses, and find events and tournaments), I had quite an experience. It was almost a little concerning to see people walking around with a bag with at least 25 discs inside. It got even more concerning when I saw someone with a rolling bag that had speakers installed in it. All the while, I was walking around with a singular disc trying to find the next hole. I do understand that the professionals of disc golf have many discs, although I am fairly confident that the people playing at Z Boaz park were not professionals, but that’s just my opinion.
For the sake of the readers, I will exclude the description of what the course near Purdue’s campus was, as that doesn’t matter to anyone. But I will say, it was also fun playing there.
Finally, I think playing on the TCU campus was probably my best experience. TCU doesn’t have an official course, but when I played there, which was around the academic buildings on either side of South University Drive near Dutch’s and Einstein Bros., I just aimed for things that stood out on the campus like the base of a statue, a sundial, and a fountain. It was kind of nice being in the shade and seeing things other than trees and dead grass. Can you give readers a better idea of where you were on campus when you played?

If anyone is interested in trying out disc golf and needs a disc to play with, from what I have used, the Innova brand sells many good discs for all levels and for a pretty good price.
Overall, I think if you haven’t played disc golf, I’d suggest trying it out. It is a great way to get outside, as well as have a pretty fun time.