Where You Belong


Maya Marques '26

Freshmen get to work in the library.

Maya Marques, Reporter

Most students have a place in school where they feel at home. A place where they can work, feel comfortable, and even thrive academically.

 With the year wrapping up, our lovely freshmen have had time to grow and get accustomed to the Upper School campus. 

This also means that the newest additions to the high school have had time to find their place. A place where they feel inspired, and a place where they feel motivated to get their work done.

Students were first asked where they feel the most inspired on campus. 

“The library because I can feel inspired by all the books around me, and there are a lot of resources there to help get me in my groove to study,” Eloise Wallace ’26 said.

“The library because it is quiet and peaceful,” Beckett Kiseljack ’26 said.

“Definitely Ms. Clifford’s room because of all the paintings that are in there,” Skylar De Luca ’26 said.

“I feel very inspired in the commons cause I see a lot of people walking around and doing different activities and it just inspires me,” Cal Neubauer ’26.

“I would say either the football field or the wrestling mat. I just think that there have been a lot of great people that have come before me; it’s just a place I can thrive,” Price Carter ’26 said. 

“Outside, by the fountain, because it’s by nature and you can hear the fountain running,” Laurel Griffith ’26 said.

“Probably the football field because you can connect with so many other people and bring the Falcon family together,” Jack O’Neill ’26 said.

“In the Commons just because everybody is always in there and just by hanging out with people and talking to them I get to know them so well,” Eleanor Holm ’26 said.

“In the field house because I can walk by and see all the trophies that athletes have won and it sets a goal for me,” Wyeth Smith ’26 said.

“The Trustees’ Plaza because being surrounded by the nature is just so pretty,” Gracie Fuller ’26 said.

The answers were varied but showed that the students were able to find a place where they and their friends could feel comfortable and inspired to get their day started. 

Next, the students were asked where on campus they felt the most motivated to do their work. 

“Definitely in the little study cubicles around campus because I feel cutoff from everyone else, and so I’m not distracted from the people around me,” Wallace said. 

“In the FDP [like the library] it is quiet and peaceful,” Kiseljack said.

“In the Commons because everybody else is doing their work in there,” De Luca said.

“The library for sure; it’s way easier to get your work done in a quiet space like the library,” Neubauer said.

“In my house,” Carter said; no place on campus gives him the motivation that he needs. 

“In the library because there are books around me, and they speak to me,” Griffith said.

“The library because it is all peaceful and quiet in there and there are teachers that can help you,” O’Neill said.

“Definitely the library; it’s full of kids who are studying so hard and learning and our staff in there is so respectful and helpful,” Holm said..

“Probably in any of the classrooms because I look around and see completed work and I know that that is stuff I need to get done,” Smith said.

“The library because it is so quiet and everybody else is working so the other people influence me to work, too,” Fuller said.

These students, and many others, have found their place to be in the Fort Worth Country Day campus. The community and surroundings have surely made it easier.

Although getting the hang of finding the classes and study places can be hard at the start of the year, by May students have found that they each have a place where they can call theirs. 

So for any incoming freshmen: you can do this, good luck.