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The student news site of Fort Worth Country Day

Falcon Quill

The student news site of Fort Worth Country Day

Falcon Quill

The student news site of Fort Worth Country Day

Falcon Quill

Marshall Lehman

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief

Ayo, I’m Marshall, and I’m a senior, therefore, this is my fourth year on the Quill Staff. I’m the Co-Editor in Chief, and I will remind you of my position every waking moment of your life. In my free time, you will typically find me bowling, but never ski balling. My favorite bowling ball is a pink 8 pounder because with it I can really knock down some pins. If you don’t find me there, then you will probably find me hanging out with my shoe collection which totals about 37 pairs (including boots). My favorite sneakies to look at are my UNC Air Jordan 3s, but my favorite pair to wear are my Cactus Jack Air Forces 1s. And if you absolutely cannot find me in either of those two places then I will be on the track (running or jumping) or potentially shooting some hoops (yes, I am an aspiring varsity player). Last, but certainly not least, I would like to make it known that I’m really funny; potentially a 7 on a 10-point scale, but I am slightly (only slightly) aware that not everyone will think that highly of me, but everyone would put me at a 10 out of 10. My motto? A big ego is a healthy ego. One should always remember that a long bio indicates an important person.

All content by Marshall Lehman
Gamemaster Hannah Cheng '24 created a board using every assassin's school photo to track targets and kills.

“He’s Here To Kill You”

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief
April 25, 2024
Perhaps I will follow in my father's footsteps and earn a history degree from Southern Methodist University; but a historian's paycheck can't be much better than a creative writer's.

Oh, the Places I’ll Go!

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief
March 11, 2024
Country Day Classifieds Makes a Comeback

Country Day Classifieds Makes a Comeback

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief
February 1, 2024
Side note: What is a Maverick and what does it have to do with horses?

The Mavericks Manifesto

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief
November 30, 2023
Quills & Answers with Marshall Lehman

Quills & Answers with Marshall Lehman

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief
November 27, 2023
I propose that the museum establishes a hands-on program where their patron children voluntarily man an oil well during their summer off from school, such as this one in Coleman, Texas. The kids get an opportunity to contribute to the economy and consumers get cheaper gasoline. Who loses?

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors

Marshall Lehman, Co-Editor in Chief
September 18, 2023
The Queen and the Vice-Queen survey their dominion.

The Time for Revolution is Now

Marshall Lehman, Online and Perspectives Editor
February 2, 2023
The Golden Gate Bridge isn't even gold; it's International Orange.

All My Homies Hate The Warriors

Marshall Lehman, Online and Perspectives Editor
November 24, 2022
The Zombies take a rest at the peak of Grizz while the sun rises over the distant mountains.

Be Bold, Start Cold: Stories from a Summer Camp

Marshall Lehman, Online and Perspectives Editor
September 6, 2022
Kendall Lehman '22 and Marshall Lehman '24 celebrate her graduation from Upper School.

What is the Legacy of a Lehman?

Marshall Lehman, Perspectives Editor
May 19, 2022
Marshall Lehman '24 "thinks" greatly about shoes.

School Sneakers

Marshall Lehman, Perspectives Editor
January 20, 2022
Contrary to popular belief, this photo of Marshall Lehman was not taken in 2020, but in January 2019 after his famous Flu Game.

The Real Flu Game

Marshall Lehman, Reporter
January 30, 2021
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